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This time of year there tends to be a huge spike in carpet cleaning. This is for a variety of…

As the days grow longer and the weather warmer, many homeowners start thinking about home improvement projects. While summer is…

A lot of change happens in Spring, flowers start to bloom, the weather gets warmer and days get longer. With…

No, this is not the opening line of a joke, it’s one of the questions we get asked most often!…

As we’re currently still in Winter, we thought it would be a good idea to talk about which flooring is…

The new year is all about new beginnings and making changes in our lives to make the new year a…

As 2023 comes to a close and Winter sets in, now is a great time to change up your home…

Why it’s just as important to make the right choice on the bit of your flooring that you can’t see…

With its natural tones and classic styling, lots of people are choosing real wood flooring for their homes. While it…