Your Award Winning Flooring Experts!

Wow! We are so proud to have been named ‘Best Small Business’ and also highly commended in the ‘Customer Service’ category at the 2017 Adur and Worthing Business Awards. We had a fabulous night at the awards ceremony which was held at the Pavilion theatre in Worthing and winning one of the most prestigious awards on the night was amazing. The Judges said that we had won over 40 other companies that had entered and that, ‘The business has progressed with the times, and they remain true to their founding principles of honesty, reliability and value for money. Customer Service is not something Wall Bros strives to do – it is part of their DNA!’ Of course, none of this would have happened without our amazing customers, so we have to thank you so very much for nominating us and supporting our business for the last 60 years. Long may it continue we say!